
Who We Are

  • First Afrikan presbyterian Church
  • North Decatur Presbyterian Church
  • Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
  • San-kofa United Church of Christ
  • Oakhurst Baptist Church
  • Turner Memorial
  • Peace Lutheran
  • Atlanta-North Georgia Labor council, AFL-CIO
  • International Union of Painters & Allied Trades District Council 77

What We Do

If our congregation or institution joins Atlantans Building Leadership For Empowerment, What is in it for us?

Becoming a member of Atlantans Building Leadership for Empowerment (ABLE) give your congregation or institution an opportunity to build relationships across the Atlanta and Metro Area creates a united voice powerful enough to impact issues of concern in our communities. 

ABLE also provides training to help institutions utilize skills and strategies to strengthen relationships, develop leaders, and create enthusiasm and energy for your congregation or institution's internal mission and activities.

What are the time commitments of a member, and member institutions?

Two members of you congregation or institution will serve on ABLE's Board of Directors. A participant from your congregation or institution is needed on one of ABLE's standing committees. 

How do we become a member?

Institutions are welcome to join ABLE at any time! Pastor support is essential for successful participation. Prospective members should contact a member of ABLE's Executive Board, Lead Organizer, or a member of ABLE's Membership Committee.

The Process:
Providing Literature on ABLE
Debriefing the nature of Faith Based organizing
Introduction to Board of Directors
Workshop on core team development
Introduction Ceremony