ABLE has partnered up with the SSN to dig deeper into the intersections between Immigration and Criminal Justice, Coined as Crimmigation. Scholars have paired data and research to peel back the veil on the health impact of children directly impacted by Immigration, Georgias Immigration history, and the victimization of immigrants. Check out the research articles!!
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How often do we listen to the stories and lived experiences of those directly impacted by criminal justice, or formerly incarcerated? Here is an opportunity for us to listen, and for others to be heard.
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We are Better Together
Georgia Scholar Strategy Network
Georgia SSN is comprised of members from different universities across the state. Georgia SSNers contribute meaningful policy research on a variety of topics, from women in legislatures to energy policy to international relations. This chapter was founded in early 2013.
New Sanctuary Movement of Atlanta
The Sanctuary Movement of Atlanta (SMA) is an interfaith, multicultural immigrant rights organization.
We welcome the participation of individuals and congregations who covenant with us to affirm that:
All human beings are loved by their creator and deserving of a safe place to live, work, and worship without fear, without regard to nationality, ethnicity, religion, economic status, immigration status, gender, ability, age, or sexual orientation;
We have a responsibility to ensure the welfare of all in our decision making, and to hold the governments of city, county, state, and country accountable;
We advocate for laws that ensure the rights of immigrants.
We reject using power or speech to bully, intimidate, threaten, or cause emotional or physical violence.

What We Value, What We Fight For!!
What we Value:
"The right to human dignity is inalienable and when compromised or denied everyone has legal and moral right to restoration".
"As a faith-based organization, it is our moral imperative to help those made vulnerable by injustice. ABLE will take the lead and demand justice".
Our Work
Criminal Justice

After significant victories in expanding employment opportunities for people with criminal backgrounds by "Banning the Box" for public sector employment in cities and counties across the metro Atlanta area, Governor Deal signed an executive order "Banning the Box" on most State agency employment applications. Further positive changes include removal of certain open misdemeanor and felony arrests, removal of the food stamp ban, changes to driver license bans, requiring employers to give notice if people are denied employment based on a criminal background and more have all helped people with criminal records. Our task force is currently exploring the various elements of criminal justice such as for-profit probation and parole system, length of probation and excessive fines.
Safe Neighborhoods:
Hard work paid off in our 2015/2016 victory passing 13 improvements strengthening and expanding to the power of the Atlanta Citizens Review Board (ACRB). The board provides a method where citizens can file complaints against police and have those complaints heard by an independent board of citizens. Currently, the City of Atlanta is the only municipality in the region to have an independent review process for the public. We want other municipalities to establish boards as well.